When you are planning to hire your family lawyer, make sure that you have all your doubts cleared in the first visit. To help you about your first attorney visit, few must ask, but not limited questions are: The overall cost of a divorce? It might seem like there is no way to get an estimate even attorneys might tell you so. But good attorneys can predict at least a ballpark figure of the amount of money that you probably have to shed. All of it comes down to how knowledgeable and experienced your attorney is. However, no attorney can tell you exactly what it would cost no matter what. Many factors make the estimated amounts go up or down. Make sure to ask about all your doubts to your lawyer right after telling all the details of the case to him or her. It all depends upon the case. For example, if both the husband and the wife were nice to each other, had no disagreements whatsoever and the divorce was mutually agreed upon, then the cost will be on the lower ...